Important Updates from Sign Language Resources!

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We’ve moved locations in NYC!

166 East 61st Street
New York, NY 10065

One day, when we aren’t 6 feet apart,
 we look forward to inviting you to our new NYC satellite office!

(Our Newburgh, NY Office remains as our headquarters)

Also, we have a NEW website!

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Now SLR’s website can better serve our interpreters and consumers alike!

Check out the pages, like consumer/interpreter feedback under Contact (click here):

Resources can also be found on our News and Events page!

And upcoming PD workshops can be found under our Professional Development page!

We are grateful for some positive changes during this turbulent year and look forward to supporting you and the community more!


October SLR w/ NYC BDA: Deaf Experiences in the Age of COVID-19 Webinar


slr-mentorship program - june/july/august cycle