SLR-MENTORSHIP PROGRAM - October/November/December 2021 CYCLE

The October/November/December 2021 cycle has just come to a close. We had a total of 8 participants; (4 mentor/mentee pairs) One pair worked together in the June/July/August cycle and continued their work together in the Oct/Nov/Dec cycle.

We had our kick-off, introductory meeting in October, where participants got introduced to the program and to each other. Mentors and mentees are encouraged to share resources and professional growth opportunities with each other, as well as feel comfortable working together should they wish to.

Mentorship Coordinator, Amy Rubinger and the Professional Development Team at SLR are working more closely together to share ideas and strategies to better support interpreter education and development.

We had a virtual field trip to the American Kennel Club Museum of the Dog on January 3. Participants were given the opportunity to interpret a museum tour (via zoom). Mentors and mentees are encouraged to do their own background research in preparation to interpret. It was a valuable learning experience for all who participated! The title of the tour was: “9/11 Tribute to Search and Rescue Dogs”.

A testimonial from an interpreter Mentee who participated in the October-November-December 2021 Cycle:

"Thank you very much to Amy for running such a phenomenal mentorship program and pairing me perfectly with my mentor! I cannot express how thankful I am to have been paired with her and to have had the ability to be a part of a mentorship during these tough times of the pandemic where nothing is running! Last night’s tour was such a unique experience, so thank you as well for setting that up for us!! My skills and confidence have skyrocketed in comparison to last spring before I first started this mentorship".

Applications for the February/March/April 2022 cycle will go out this week.
Applications will be due on January 24, 2022.


In Support of Ukraine's Deaf Community - Please Help if You Can!
